Pictures of DMC 6530

A trip computer that can be programmed to display such parameters as intantaneous and average, speed, distance, miles per gallon, as well as estimated time of arrival, gallons remaining, miles till empty etc.

Remote door opening project

Various electrical system modifications

Changes and enhancements to the original look

A wish list of future projects

Interesting files for download

Links to other sites of interest

The home of the patented TV Pedaler™

How to contact me

Cruise Control

Here is another fun project. I used the Audiovox CCS-100 like most people. UNlike most, instead of installing it in the engine compartment and having it rotate the throttle spool, I installed it in the bonnet and it pulls on the gas pedal. I did not like the fact that when I turned the throttle spool by hand the cable would usually fall off the spoool and get jambed.


(A recent post to the DML notes that you cannot use this kit unmodified if you have LED brakelight bulbs.)


Pictures of the installation.




All material on this site is copyright © 2003  by David Delman, unless other specified.  All rights reserved.